Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Living Life in Xi'an

I finally have that video of the guys playing "Creep". Zhang on guitar, Sean singing, and Joe on drums. We've spent several evenings just hanging out and playing songs like this. Zhang and Malcolm are awesome on guitar. Joe does his drumming on everything from Zhang's small drum plate thing to beer bottles. Chris can really (really!) sing. Sean's singing took a while to get used to, but it's grown on me. Even Xie Miao has pitched in a little. I can't sing too well, but I do a little. Chris and I sang all of American Pie. It took a while.

Also, continuing the music theme, I am majorly bummed out that I'm missing Neil Young's spring tour. This always happens. One day I will make be there to see him play. I have too!

And I bought a used bike for 90 kuai (less than 15 US dollars). It was a bit sketch getting it. I went with Xie Miao and a few of her friends. We found a bike shop but they only had new bikes, which were too expensive. So they wandered off for a bit, talked to this man, came back and said if I gave them 90 kuai they would come back with the bike. I was a bit hesitant but Xie Miao seemed to trust her friends and 90 kuai really wasn't that much (I'd been expecting at least 150 kuai).

Anyway, I love my bike. :) Although the streets are a little chaotic. I think it might be wise to invest in a helmet.


  1. I miss you and I'm so happy you're having fun! I'm on break right now and enjoying myself very much. But I thought you didn't like Radiohead?

  2. I don't really. Creep is okay. The rest is just yuck. Besides, there are a lot of songs that I'm okay with if someone is just playing a bit on a guitar in their own style - many times those songs sound a lot different than the originals.

  3. Yeah, you're right about that. And then it can be another thing entirely again if you're playing the song yourself. Some songs are just way more fun to play than to listen to!

    Very cool glimpse into dorm life in Xi'an! Your bike looks like the one your mom had in Carbondale. It isn't blue, is it?

  4. sweet bike
    i think creep is ok too

  5. Creep brings back memories. Jamie played a lot of Radiohead.

    I wish I had a bike like that to ride around the City and Sausalito. I'm trying to figure out what to do to get more bike ride. Now that the days are longer, I only have the incessant rain to use as an excuse to not ride!

    Thank you for sharing your life in words, images, and song, Margaux. I miss you a great deal so can only imagine what your Dad is going through! Sure will be one happy reunion!

    Your life looks amazing. It's wonderful to watch you continue to grow, learn, and experience new things. We are totally in awe of all of you.



  6. Hahaha I created this ID for my group to blog when they went to Israel and Palestine. Now I see I'm posting to your blog under "WDN Mideast trip"...

