Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catching Up on the Last Few Weeks

So, I’ve been unable to update for a while. My proxy stopped working a couple of weeks ago and now it’s back and running, but very, very slow. I can rarely actually get to blogspot, let alone post an update. So postings might be a little less frequent from now on.

Anyways, a lot has happened in the last few weeks. I volunteered a while ago at an orphanage, called the Starfish Foster Home. Unfortunately, the orphanage is not very close to Shaanxi Normal University, so I have not returned since, although I really hope to go back. I was really amazed by the perseverance and patience of the woman running the orphanage. She’s had to face so many difficulties and challenges running the orphanage and yet she’s kept it up for several years now. In fact, when we visited, we found out a baby had died that morning, which she was obviously very upset about and yet had managed to get through the day, taking care of all the other babies (most of whom had to go the hospital that day because of an outbreak of measles). If anyone wants to know more about the orphanage or make donations, the website is and they have a blog at

On a much lighter note, I was invited to go to a traditional Chinese wedding. One of the other students, Patrick, has a friend here who’s getting married. He invited us all to attend his wedding. However, this invitation extends to not actually just going to the wedding…we each have to perform something. I’m signed down for singing and dancing. Not sure how that’s going to happen. Hope it involves just doing some background singing for our little ‘band’ of sorts which tends to be Malcolm on guitar, Joe on drums, Sean singing away…and the rest of us just kind of tapping our feet or messing around (very badly) on the various instruments we have accumulated (ukuleles, harmonica). I also have to help greet guests, which the intended couple told me was one of the most difficult tasks at the wedding. Ahhh, okay. But you know what? I get to wear a qipao! AKA cheongsam. It’s a traditional Chinese dress, and I’ve always wanted to wear one. We’re only renting, so I won’t be able to keep it, but I’m still very excited.

Also, last week, we had a track meet of sorts. A lot of the international students (us + a guy from Colombia, the Australians, the Canadians, and an few others) and some of the Chinese students competed together. I did not do any running, but I did the three-legged race with Xie Miao. We sucked, but still managed not to fall over, which is more than I can say for some of the others. And I did the weird train thing with the others. I’m not really sure how to describe it, but I won a toothbrush. Yayyy.

Lastly, my friend DT has been working on his website and I wanted to share it, in case anyone wants a look. The website is Check it out, if you’re interested in Tibet.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having fun, and we're looking forward to hearing about the trip to Xianjiang. I imagine this is a kind of Spring break. Sorry to hear of the less frequent posting. Perhaps there's a faster outlet nearby?

    I love you and miss you!
