Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shanghai Tomorrow (or, really, the day after that)

So, tonight is my last night in the Paris apartment. Forever. Yay!!! No more sleeping in the office.

I am ready for some China, and after that USA!!!! Okay, so there's two months in China before the US, but, you know, just the thought kind of makes me crazy happy. I never thought I'd miss the US this much!

I'll get to Shanghai on Monday, and start the week long orientation (and reunion with Ellie!). I'm super excited to meet the other volunteers. I've made so many good friends on these kind of trips and met so many different people that I'm excited to see how this next group turns out like.

Anyways, I better get to sleep, early morning tomorrow. I'm...mostly packed. I can't believe I have so few things and that this is all I've had for the last year. When I get the US, it'll be a relief to be able to find my old stuff, buy new things without having to worry about whether I can fit it in my suitcase, and throw things in a closet without having to worry about packing it all up in a another couple months or weeks!

For the time being, Shanghai it is. And a very tiny bag because the big suitcase broke and I didn't buy a new one. Ah, well...

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